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In a world hungry for meaning and truth, the stories we publish serve as beacons of light, guiding readers towards a deeper understanding and connection with their faith. From uplifting fiction to transformative non-fiction, every book we bring to life is a testament to God's enduring love and the transformative power of His word.

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In every story, there is a chance to discover a piece of eternity. With your help, Time or Eternity Publishing will continue to be a vessel for God's word, spreading His message of love, hope, and salvation far and wide.$timeoreternity

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What people are saying

"The New Creation Workbook has been a game-changer in my spiritual development. Its thought-provoking content and practical applications have empowered me to embrace a new perspective on faith and personal growth. I've found a renewed sense of purpose and direction in my life, and I'm grateful for the profound impact this workbook has had on my journey."

Michael, 35 years old

"Reading and applying the teachings of The Power of the Tongue has revolutionized the way I approach my spirituality and interactions with others. It taught me the immense power of words and how they shape our reality and relationships. This book has not only deepened my faith but also improved my communication and relationships, making me a more compassionate and understanding person."

Sarah, 22 years old

"The Triune You Workbook opened my eyes to a deeper understanding of myself and my spiritual journey. Its insightful exercises helped me connect more profoundly with my beliefs and find a sense of inner peace I never knew before. This workbook has been a transformative tool in my spiritual growth, guiding me towards a more harmonious and fulfilling life."

Lisa, 41 years old


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Blog Posts

Being Led by the Holy Spirit: Navigating Life with Divine Guidance
In the life of a believer, being led by the Holy Spirit is not just a concept, but a vital aspect of walking in faith. It represents a daily surrender to God's will, seeking His direction in every decision, and allowing His Spirit to guide our though...
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Discovering the Goodness of God
In a world teeming with challenges and uncertainties, the steadfast goodness of God remains an unshakeable truth for believers. This divine attribute is not merely an abstract concept but a tangible reality that permeates every aspect of our lives. T...
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Trusting God in Financial Hardships
In the midst of financial hardships, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the immediate pressures and uncertainties of our material needs. These challenges often lead us to question our faith, wondering why we face such trials if God is indeed watching...
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"Testing the Spirits: A Christian's Guide in the Age of False Prophets"
Introduction:In today's world, where information flows freely and beliefs are diverse, it is more crucial than ever for Christians to heed the warning about false prophets and to test the spirits as instructed in the Bible. The apostle John, in his f...
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"What the Spirit Says About the Last Days in Scripture"
Introduction:The concept of "the last days" holds a profound place in Christian theology, offering a glimpse into the culmination of God's divine plan for humanity. Throughout the Bible, the Holy Spirit has inspired numerous passages that provide ins...
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The Last Days: Unveiling the Signs of the Times
Introduction:In the realm of Christian theology, the concept of "the last days" holds a significant place. It refers to the period preceding the Second Coming of Christ and the culmination of God's plan for humanity. Many believers eager...
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